From the inception of our firm, we have always put the client first. Whether that be through world-class service, premium events, or innovative software to help you pursue your dreams, we understand that our success is because of you.
Carrying forward the theme of treating clients as valued family members, we have completely overhauled our website to make it even easier to find what you're looking for.
With the launch of our new site, we believe we are building even stronger relationships with our clients by bridging the gap between technology and people. We invite you to explore our new branding, and encourage you to give us feedback on what you think!
Small Town Values make us who we are. We believe in community and invest in you as a valued member of our family — not just as another client.
As your trusted advisor, we partner with you to navigate through life’s challenges and obstacles to pursue your goals. We prepare you for the future.

Engaging Content
From Bull Talk (our Quarterly Market Call) to our new Articles of Interest page, we are now delivering more robust content to help you better understand the most recent market updates and economic trends.
Our Team
Get to know our excellent team by exploring their bios. Enjoy reading their roles at PWA and how they are impacting their community through both business and personal endeavors. Our team truly is "the best getting better!"

Our new website is optimized for mobile viewing — so now you'll never be more than a touch, swipe, or tap away from PWA.
NEW Appointment Scheduler
We have a brand-new online system for scheduling appointments with PWA! It's simple to use and gives you the power to schedule around your busy life.